Social Care Recruitment

Prash Patel

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There have obviously been huge disruptions in many industries due to the covid-19 pandemic. We feel it should be recognised that health and care services were actually struggling in terms of social care recruitment and retention long before this, so simply recovering to pre-covid levels is nowhere near enough and we need to build the workforce greater and better for the long term.

Workforce recruitment and retention is in our opinion the most important priority within the sector.

Statistics show that staff vacancies reduced during the pandemic both nationally and in our area of interest, the Southeast. Since 2020 the vacancy rates have been increasing again and are climbing back to pre-pandemic levels.

Nationally there are an estimated 1.67 million jobs within the adult social care sector, and this is set to rise. It is forecast that if the adult social care recruitment grows proportionally to the projected number of people aged 65 or above in the population as a whole, then this figure will increase by 29% (480000) to 2.16 million jobs by 2035.

The UK Situation

Traditionally the UK has a small social care workforce relative to the size of its over 65 population, compared to similar countries. This is a situation that must change rather rapidly to keep up with demand. One of the major issues is that social care has well established problems with retention, progression and vacancies which must be addressed to prevent a disaster.

As well as these social care recruitment and retention problems the pandemic has created backlogs. There are growing waiting lists adding to a system already at breaking point

Social care recruitment is an integral part of our society and economy. As of March 2022, around 950 000 adults in England receive some form of long-term social care support. Social care affects over 10 million people in England at any one time.

A qualified and skilled workforce that is rewarded. It feels valued is essential for high quality care that is tailored to the individual’s needs. This is something that we all want to provide. To this end the government has promised to invest at least £500 million in new measures over the next 3 years. The promises include:

  • Providing support in professionalising and developing the workforce
  • Hundreds of thousands of training places and certificates for care workers in professional development
  • Funding for mental health wellbeing resources and introducing further reforms to increase recruitment and support for the social care workforce.

Home care nurse with client.

So Why Work in Adult Social Care?

The adult social care industry is often unfairly or negatively portrayed in the press. Negative stories tend to be the only ones in the headlines which can lead to a distorted view of the sector. The sector is however full of genuinely caring people who want to make a positive difference. In our business, home care professionals provide care and support for people in the comfort of their own homes. These people may be suffering from long term health and age-related illness or mobility issues. Working in the industry can provide you with a lasting and rewarding career. There are many reasons to work in adult social care, some of which include

–      The smallest thing you do can make the biggest difference to the person you are supporting. You often get huge appreciation from your customer.

–      Gain lots of valuable new skills and you increase your confidence. You learn to be adaptable, resourceful and learn transferable life skills.

–      There are many qualifications you can study for and obtain whilst working in the sector.

–      The working hours can be flexible, evenings, overnight or shorter hours may fit with your lifestyle better and fit around personal or family commitments.

–      Your daily routine will be full of variety, you will look after a wide range of individuals with differing needs. Each person is unique, and this can lead to a very interesting life.

–      You will be part of a valued team. No one works in isolation, and you are often part of a multidisciplinary team including doctors, district nurses, social workers. You will be seen as a valued member of the community.

–      Finally, it is interesting and fun! You will get a new perspective on life, hear great stories and obtain lots of wisdom from a great number of people.

What values and skills do I need?

You do not always need qualifications or previous work experience in the sector to get a job in social care. The most important thing is having the right values, behaviours and attitudes to work with others and work effectively with people who require care and support.

Values are the ideas, views, beliefs and natural attributes that everyone has about what is right and wrong. They apply to all aspects of our lives and guide and influence the ways in which an individual behaves. Important values for Adult Social Care include:

-Compassion                        -Empathy

-Patience                               -Caring

-Honesty                               -Reliability

-Social justice                       -Professionalism

-Kindness                              -Respect

-Adaptability                         -Flexibility

-Integrity                               -Willingness to help

-Empowering others          -Maintaining professional boundaries


serious illness, hospice and palliative medicine, hospice care, curative treatment, palliative care organization, hospice services

Kindness, compassion, caring, integrity and professional boundaries are probably the most important factors. A carer without kindness and compassion will be ineffective in their role and potentially damaging. Having integrity builds trust in your relationships with your customers and co-workers and maintaining good professional boundaries is also essential. Crossing these boundaries can lead to a worsening of a care situation for both the person you are caring for and yourself.

All these values should continue after work. All personal affairs should be managed responsibly and ideally you should be motivated to continually keep improving yourself and your skills.

So Why Nurse Next Door?

The answer to this is quite simply, because we care more.

We are a family owned and family run business that has strong family values. These extend to our work family and the whole team.

Nurse Next Door (formerly Care More)  have both staff and customers that are long standing and have been with us for over 7 years, which hopefully demonstrates that we are a caring company offering care that we would like our own families to receive.

We have a friendly team and operate an open-door policy, we think that no one should have concerns about asking questions or offering suggestions. In addition, we offer full training and have 2 hands on trainers that are available and accessible all the time, both in the fully equipped and designated training facility and in the field.

There are plenty of opportunities to study and gain qualifications whilst working and earning

Our dedicated team are experienced and are always there to oversee you and answer any questions whilst out in the field, there is always someone on call and at the end of a phone for support.

Each caregiver has an assigned supervisor to offer any support needed so you always know who to turn to. We have a fleet of cars available to help people perform their roles and we try to recognise every member of the team for all the hard work they put in. We celebrate birthdays and life events together, reward hard work through a recognised rewards program, award carer of the month and simply are just there for any help we can give.


Senior couple bed

Everyday, we’re guided by our core values. They’re not just buzzwords. They arise from years of reflection and soul-searching.

They are the principles that define us and everything we do at Nurse Next Door.

Admire People

Our clients aren’t just case files – they’re real people – as are our co-workers. Admire everyone and treat them with respect.

WOW Customer Experience

“Good” just won’t do it. We don’t rest until we’ve exceeded expectations.

Find a Better Way

We grow through innovation. Never be afraid to try new things.

Passionate About Making a Difference

We look for people who genuinely care about what they’re doing.

Join Nurse Next Door

If you are interested in a career in social care, you can demonstrate that you have the correct values and skills by using examples from your everyday personal life, draw on experience from hobbies, home life, work experience, family life and how you have treated others.

If you are still not sure and want to try caring before applying for a job, you could always volunteer with a local community group or charity or even reach out and help family friends or relatives. Supporting the wellbeing of individuals and their families can be a challenging profession and can be both emotionally and intellectually taxing, but it is also extremely rewarding and offers the opportunity to enact positive change every day. Come and join us in the most rewarding of careers.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch at intakes@nursenext

Information gathered from

GOV.UK Build Back Better Our Plan for Health and Social Care March 2022Institute for Public Policy Research, The State of Health and Care March 2022

Published by

Nurse Next Door


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